Как заставить Statsd общаться с Ganglia на EC2 (localhost)
Что касается темы, я просто пытаюсь заставить эту простую установку работать. Службы работают нормально, но, насколько я могу судить, statsd ничего не отправляет в ганглии. Я думаю, что Ganglia работает нормально, поскольку у меня есть веб-интерфейс и базовая информация о системе.
Я использую бэкэнд-плагин Викимедиа, хотя я использовал этот ранее, и у меня была та же проблема.
Вот конфиг statsd:
port: 8125,
debug: true,
dumpMessages: true,
backends: [ "./backends/ganglia.js" ],
gangliaHost: "", // Hostname of Ganglia server (required)
gangliaPort: 8649 // UDP port of Ganglia server (default: 8649)
Используя этот тестовый скрипт, я отправляю сообщения, которые появляются в журнале statsd:
root@ip-10-32-59-208:/opt/statsd# nodejs stats.js config.js
28 Nov 18:12:46 - reading config file: config.js
28 Nov 18:12:46 - server is up
28 Nov 18:12:46 - DEBUG: Loading backend: ./backends/ganglia.js
28 Nov 18:13:01 - DEBUG: ometria.test.test:1|c
28 Nov 18:13:01 - DEBUG: ometria.test.test:1|c
28 Nov 18:13:01 - DEBUG: ometria.test.test:1|c
28 Nov 18:13:01 - DEBUG: ometria.test.test:1|c
28 Nov 18:13:01 - DEBUG: ometria.test.test:1|c
28 Nov 18:13:01 - DEBUG: ometria.test.test:1|c
28 Nov 18:13:01 - DEBUG: ometria.test.test:1|c
28 Nov 18:13:01 - DEBUG: ometria.test.test:1|c
28 Nov 18:13:01 - DEBUG: ometria.test.test:1|c
28 Nov 18:13:01 - DEBUG: ometria.test.test:1|c
Но, как я уже сказал, они не отображаются в веб-интерфейсе ganglia. Вывод отладки ganglia полон различных вещей, но он не печатает ничего неопределенно связанного в момент отправки этих сообщений. Наконец, вот мой конфигурационный файл ganglia (по умолчанию он не изменен), пожалуйста, дайте мне знать, если вы можете помочь:
/* This configuration is as close to 2.5.x default behavior as possible
The values closely match ./gmond/metric.h definitions in 2.5.x */
globals {
daemonize = yes
setuid = yes
user = ganglia
debug_level = 0
max_udp_msg_len = 1472
mute = no
deaf = no
host_dmax = 0 /*secs */
cleanup_threshold = 300 /*secs */
gexec = no
send_metadata_interval = 0
/* If a cluster attribute is specified, then all gmond hosts are wrapped inside
* of a <CLUSTER> tag. If you do not specify a cluster tag, then all <HOSTS> will
* NOT be wrapped inside of a <CLUSTER> tag. */
cluster {
name = "unspecified"
owner = "unspecified"
latlong = "unspecified"
url = "unspecified"
/* The host section describes attributes of the host, like the location */
host {
location = "unspecified"
/* Feel free to specify as many udp_send_channels as you like. Gmond
used to only support having a single channel */
udp_send_channel {
mcast_join =
port = 8649
ttl = 1
/* You can specify as many udp_recv_channels as you like as well. */
udp_recv_channel {
mcast_join =
port = 8649
bind =
/* You can specify as many tcp_accept_channels as you like to share
an xml description of the state of the cluster */
tcp_accept_channel {
port = 8649
/* Each metrics module that is referenced by gmond must be specified and
loaded. If the module has been statically linked with gmond, it does not
require a load path. However all dynamically loadable modules must include
a load path. */
modules {
module {
name = "core_metrics"
module {
name = "cpu_module"
path = "/usr/lib/ganglia/modcpu.so"
module {
name = "disk_module"
path = "/usr/lib/ganglia/moddisk.so"
module {
name = "load_module"
path = "/usr/lib/ganglia/modload.so"
module {
name = "mem_module"
path = "/usr/lib/ganglia/modmem.so"
module {
name = "net_module"
path = "/usr/lib/ganglia/modnet.so"
module {
name = "proc_module"
path = "/usr/lib/ganglia/modproc.so"
module {
name = "sys_module"
path = "/usr/lib/ganglia/modsys.so"
include ('/etc/ganglia/conf.d/*.conf')
/* The old internal 2.5.x metric array has been replaced by the following
collection_group directives. What follows is the default behavior for
collecting and sending metrics that is as close to 2.5.x behavior as
possible. */
/* This collection group will cause a heartbeat (or beacon) to be sent every
20 seconds. In the heartbeat is the GMOND_STARTED data which expresses
the age of the running gmond. */
collection_group {
collect_once = yes
time_threshold = 20
metric {
name = "heartbeat"
/* This collection group will send general info about this host every 1200 secs.
This information doesn't change between reboots and is only collected once. */
collection_group {
collect_once = yes
time_threshold = 1200
metric {
name = "cpu_num"
title = "CPU Count"
metric {
name = "cpu_speed"
title = "CPU Speed"
metric {
name = "mem_total"
title = "Memory Total"
/* Should this be here? Swap can be added/removed between reboots. */
metric {
name = "swap_total"
title = "Swap Space Total"
metric {
name = "boottime"
title = "Last Boot Time"
metric {
name = "machine_type"
title = "Machine Type"
metric {
name = "os_name"
title = "Operating System"
metric {
name = "os_release"
title = "Operating System Release"
metric {
name = "location"
title = "Location"
/* This collection group will send the status of gexecd for this host every 300 secs */
/* Unlike 2.5.x the default behavior is to report gexecd OFF. */
collection_group {
collect_once = yes
time_threshold = 300
metric {
name = "gexec"
title = "Gexec Status"
/* This collection group will collect the CPU status info every 20 secs.
The time threshold is set to 90 seconds. In honesty, this time_threshold could be
set significantly higher to reduce unneccessary network chatter. */
collection_group {
collect_every = 20
time_threshold = 90
/* CPU status */
metric {
name = "cpu_user"
value_threshold = "1.0"
title = "CPU User"
metric {
name = "cpu_system"
value_threshold = "1.0"
title = "CPU System"
metric {
name = "cpu_idle"
value_threshold = "5.0"
title = "CPU Idle"
metric {
name = "cpu_nice"
value_threshold = "1.0"
title = "CPU Nice"
metric {
name = "cpu_aidle"
value_threshold = "5.0"
title = "CPU aidle"
metric {
name = "cpu_wio"
value_threshold = "1.0"
title = "CPU wio"
/* The next two metrics are optional if you want more detail...
... since they are accounted for in cpu_system.
metric {
name = "cpu_intr"
value_threshold = "1.0"
title = "CPU intr"
metric {
name = "cpu_sintr"
value_threshold = "1.0"
title = "CPU sintr"
collection_group {
collect_every = 20
time_threshold = 90
/* Load Averages */
metric {
name = "load_one"
value_threshold = "1.0"
title = "One Minute Load Average"
metric {
name = "load_five"
value_threshold = "1.0"
title = "Five Minute Load Average"
metric {
name = "load_fifteen"
value_threshold = "1.0"
title = "Fifteen Minute Load Average"
/* This group collects the number of running and total processes */
collection_group {
collect_every = 80
time_threshold = 950
metric {
name = "proc_run"
value_threshold = "1.0"
title = "Total Running Processes"
metric {
name = "proc_total"
value_threshold = "1.0"
title = "Total Processes"
/* This collection group grabs the volatile memory metrics every 40 secs and
sends them at least every 180 secs. This time_threshold can be increased
significantly to reduce unneeded network traffic. */
collection_group {
collect_every = 40
time_threshold = 180
metric {
name = "mem_free"
value_threshold = "1024.0"
title = "Free Memory"
metric {
name = "mem_shared"
value_threshold = "1024.0"
title = "Shared Memory"
metric {
name = "mem_buffers"
value_threshold = "1024.0"
title = "Memory Buffers"
metric {
name = "mem_cached"
value_threshold = "1024.0"
title = "Cached Memory"
metric {
name = "swap_free"
value_threshold = "1024.0"
title = "Free Swap Space"
collection_group {
collect_every = 40
time_threshold = 300
metric {
name = "bytes_out"
value_threshold = 4096
title = "Bytes Sent"
metric {
name = "bytes_in"
value_threshold = 4096
title = "Bytes Received"
metric {
name = "pkts_in"
value_threshold = 256
title = "Packets Received"
metric {
name = "pkts_out"
value_threshold = 256
title = "Packets Sent"
/* Different than 2.5.x default since the old config made no sense */
collection_group {
collect_every = 1800
time_threshold = 3600
metric {
name = "disk_total"
value_threshold = 1.0
title = "Total Disk Space"
collection_group {
collect_every = 40
time_threshold = 180
metric {
name = "disk_free"
value_threshold = 1.0
title = "Disk Space Available"
metric {
name = "part_max_used"
value_threshold = 1.0
title = "Maximum Disk Space Used"
Кстати, я открыл все порты 1000-10000 для этого экземпляра, но все равно трафик на локальном хосте.