Почему эти перенесенные профили пользователей остаются в подпапке?
При выполнении миграции пользовательской среды с компьютера под управлением Windows XP на компьютер под управлением Windows 7 профили назначения не восстанавливаются должным образом. Насколько я могу судить по лог-файлам, операция прошла "успешно". Папка C:\Users\Alice
например, создается, но остается в виде профиля, в который никогда не входили. Я могу найти все файлы Алисы в C:\Users\Alice\Documents\Users\Alice
, Фактически, перемещение всех этих файлов на три уровня, обновление прав доступа и вход в систему "Алиса", похоже, работают. То же самое происходит с любыми профилями пользователей на исходном компьютере.
Наш офис обновляется с Windows XP до Windows 7. Для этого мы используем функцию "Развертывание операционной системы" SCCM, которая обеспечивает более удобный интерфейс для WDS и USMT. Наш рабочий процесс по обновлению пользователя следующий:
- Подготовьте новый компьютер с Windows 7, на котором предварительно установлено все программное обеспечение.
- запустить scanstate на текущем компьютере. Я пробовал это с пользователями, вошедшими в систему, не вошедшими в систему, и сразу после перезагрузки системы. Команда, которую мы используем, такова:
C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\OLY00030\x86\scanstate.exe \\our.domain.com\SMPSTOREf_0A6193F4$\9FFA0E271B4C910B242CA957BD42C8804EFF457D04FD1065B37593EFDCCAB806 /o /localonly /encrypt /key:**** /c /efs:copyraw /v:5 /l:C:\WINDOWS\system32\CCM\Logs\SMSTSLog\scanstate.log /progress:C:\WINDOWS\system32\CCM\Logs\SMSTSLog\scanstateprogress.log /i:C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\OLY00030\x86\MigUser.XML /i:C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\OLY00030\x86\MigApp.XML /vsc
- Запустите loadstate на конечном компьютере с помощью следующей команды:
C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\OLY0004E\amd64\loadstate.exe \\our.domain.com\SMPSTOREf_0A6193F4$\BBB172E1617AA419B2EAF13DC5F8A3B44D90F79F17EDC405E780140083730C1E /decrypt /key:**** /c /all /l:C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\CCM\Logs\SMSTSLog\loadstate.log /progress:C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\CCM\Logs\SMSTSLog\loadstateprogress.log /i:C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\OLY0004E\amd64\miguser.xml /i:C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\OLY0004E\amd64\migapp.xml
Кажется, все работает успешно. Далее следует урезанная версия scanstateprogress.log
а также loadstateprogress.log
, У кого-нибудь есть понимание того, что может быть причиной этого?
07 Apr 2011, 15:37:57 -07:00, 00:00:00, program, scanstate.exe, productVersion, "6.1.7601.21645 (win7sp1_ldr.110119-1504)", computerName, IS018816, commandLine, "C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\OLY00030\x86\scanstate.exe \\ops02.energy.wsu.edu\SMPSTOREf_0A6193F4$\9FFA0E271B4C910B242CA957BD42C8804EFF457D04FD1065B37593EFDCCAB806 /o /localonly /encrypt /key:**** /c /efs:copyraw /v:5 /l:C:\WINDOWS\system32\CCM\Logs\SMSTSLog\scanstate.log /progress:C:\WINDOWS\system32\CCM\Logs\SMSTSLog\scanstateprogress.log /i:C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\OLY00030\x86\MigUser.XML /i:C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\OLY00030\x86\MigApp.XML /vsc"
07 Apr 2011, 15:37:58 -07:00, 00:00:00, PHASE, Initializing
07 Apr 2011, 15:37:58 -07:00, 00:00:00, PHASE, Scanning
07 Apr 2011, 15:37:58 -07:00, 00:00:00, processingUser, AD\BILL
07 Apr 2011, 15:37:59 -07:00, 00:00:01, processingUser, AD\ALICE
07 Apr 2011, 15:37:59 -07:00, 00:00:02, processingUser, AD\DAVE
07 Apr 2011, 15:38:00 -07:00, 00:00:03, processingUser, IS018816\CANDACE
07 Apr 2011, 15:38:01 -07:00, 00:00:03, processingUser, AD\ERIN
07 Apr 2011, 15:38:02 -07:00, 00:00:04, processingUser, SYSTEM
07 Apr 2011, 15:38:02 -07:00, 00:00:05, PHASE, Estimating
07 Apr 2011, 15:38:03 -07:00, 00:00:05, estimatePercentageCompleted, 32
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:17 -07:00, 00:01:19, estimatePercentageCompleted, 97
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:23 -07:00, 00:01:25, estimatePercentageCompleted, 1
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:23 -07:00, 00:01:25, detectedUser, AD\BILL, includedInMigration, Yes
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:23 -07:00, 00:01:26, detectedUser, AD\ALICE, includedInMigration, Yes
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:23 -07:00, 00:01:26, detectedUser, AD\DAVE, includedInMigration, Yes
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:23 -07:00, 00:01:26, detectedUser, IS018816\HelpAssistant, includedInMigration, No
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:23 -07:00, 00:01:26, detectedUser, IS018816\Guest, includedInMigration, No
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:23 -07:00, 00:01:26, detectedUser, IS018816\ASPNET, includedInMigration, No
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:23 -07:00, 00:01:26, detectedUser, IS018816\CANDACE, includedInMigration, Yes
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:23 -07:00, 00:01:26, detectedUser, IS018816\SUPPORT_388945a0, includedInMigration, No
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:24 -07:00, 00:01:26, detectedUser, AD\ERIN, includedInMigration, Yes
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:24 -07:00, 00:01:26, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Start Menu", includedInMigration, Yes
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:24 -07:00, 00:01:26, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "My Documents", includedInMigration, Yes
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:24 -07:00, 00:01:26, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft Office 2007\Microsoft Office Word 2007", includedInMigration, Yes
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:24 -07:00, 00:01:26, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft Office 2007\Microsoft Office Excel 2007", includedInMigration, Yes
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:24 -07:00, 00:01:26, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft Office 2007\Microsoft Office Access 2007", includedInMigration, Yes
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:24 -07:00, 00:01:26, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft Office 2007\Microsoft Office SmartTags\Microsoft Lists SmartTags", includedInMigration, Yes
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:24 -07:00, 00:01:26, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft Office 2007\Microsoft Office SmartTags\Microsoft Place SmartTags", includedInMigration, Yes
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:24 -07:00, 00:01:26, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Desktop", includedInMigration, Yes
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:24 -07:00, 00:01:26, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Quick Launch", includedInMigration, Yes
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:26 -07:00, 00:01:28, totalSizeInMBToTransfer, 39493.47
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:26 -07:00, 00:01:28, PHASE, Collecting
07 Apr 2011, 16:01:47 -07:00, 00:23:49, totalPercentageCompleted, 28
07 Apr 2011, 16:01:51 -07:00, 00:23:54, totalPercentageCompleted, 29
07 Apr 2011, 16:01:54 -07:00, 00:23:56, error, UnableToOpen, objectName, "C:\WINDOWS\system32\CatRoot2 [edb.log]", action, Abort, errorText, "Read error 32 for C:\WINDOWS\system32\CatRoot2 [edb.log]. Windows error 32 description: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."
07 Apr 2011, 16:01:54 -07:00, 00:23:57, error, UnableToOpen, objectName, "C:\WINDOWS\system32\CatRoot2 [tmp.edb]", action, Abort, errorText, "Read error 32 for C:\WINDOWS\system32\CatRoot2 [tmp.edb]. Windows error 32 description: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."
07 Apr 2011, 16:02:54 -07:00, 00:24:57, totalPercentageCompleted, 30
07 Apr 2011, 16:02:58 -07:00, 00:25:00, error, UnableToOpen, objectName, "C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [default]", action, Abort, errorText, "Read error 32 for C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [default]. Windows error 32 description: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."
07 Apr 2011, 16:02:58 -07:00, 00:25:00, error, UnableToOpen, objectName, "C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [default.LOG]", action, Abort, errorText, "Read error 32 for C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [default.LOG]. Windows error 32 description: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."
07 Apr 2011, 16:02:58 -07:00, 00:25:01, error, UnableToOpen, objectName, "C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [SAM]", action, Abort, errorText, "Read error 32 for C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [SAM]. Windows error 32 description: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."
07 Apr 2011, 16:02:58 -07:00, 00:25:01, totalPercentageCompleted, 30
07 Apr 2011, 16:02:58 -07:00, 00:25:01, error, UnableToOpen, objectName, "C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [SAM.LOG]", action, Abort, errorText, "Read error 32 for C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [SAM.LOG]. Windows error 32 description: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."
07 Apr 2011, 16:02:59 -07:00, 00:25:01, error, UnableToOpen, objectName, "C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [SECURITY]", action, Abort, errorText, "Read error 32 for C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [SECURITY]. Windows error 32 description: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."
07 Apr 2011, 16:02:59 -07:00, 00:25:01, error, UnableToOpen, objectName, "C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [SECURITY.LOG]", action, Abort, errorText, "Read error 32 for C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [SECURITY.LOG]. Windows error 32 description: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."
07 Apr 2011, 16:02:59 -07:00, 00:25:01, error, UnableToOpen, objectName, "C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [software]", action, Abort, errorText, "Read error 32 for C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [software]. Windows error 32 description: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."
07 Apr 2011, 16:03:00 -07:00, 00:25:02, error, UnableToOpen, objectName, "C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [software.LOG]", action, Abort, errorText, "Read error 32 for C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [software.LOG]. Windows error 32 description: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."
07 Apr 2011, 16:03:01 -07:00, 00:25:03, error, UnableToOpen, objectName, "C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [system]", action, Abort, errorText, "Read error 32 for C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [system]. Windows error 32 description: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."
07 Apr 2011, 16:03:01 -07:00, 00:25:04, error, UnableToOpen, objectName, "C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [system.LOG]", action, Abort, errorText, "Read error 32 for C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [system.LOG]. Windows error 32 description: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."
07 Apr 2011, 16:03:23 -07:00, 00:25:26, totalPercentageCompleted, 30
07 Apr 2011, 16:03:27 -07:00, 00:25:30, totalPercentageCompleted, 31
07 Apr 2011, 16:04:28 -07:00, 00:26:30, processingUser, AD\ALICE
07 Apr 2011, 16:04:53 -07:00, 00:26:55, totalPercentageCompleted, 37
07 Apr 2011, 16:04:57 -07:00, 00:26:59, totalPercentageCompleted, 38
07 Apr 2011, 16:08:03 -07:00, 00:30:05, processingUser, SYSTEM
07 Apr 2011, 16:08:03 -07:00, 00:30:06, totalPercentageCompleted, 94
07 Apr 2011, 16:08:09 -07:00, 00:30:12, totalPercentageCompleted, 95
07 Apr 2011, 16:08:10 -07:00, 00:30:12, PHASE, Saving
07 Apr 2011, 16:08:18 -07:00, 00:30:20, totalPercentageCompleted, 100
07 Apr 2011, 16:08:18 -07:00, 00:30:20, errorCode, 0, numberOfIgnoredErrors, 0, message, "Successful run"
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:16 -07:00, 00:00:00, program, loadstate.exe, productVersion, "6.1.7601.21645 (win7sp1_ldr.110119-1504)", computerName, IS020227, commandLine, "C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\OLY0004E\amd64\loadstate.exe \\ops02.energy.wsu.edu\SMPSTOREf_0A6193F4$\BBB172E1617AA419B2EAF13DC5F8A3B44D90F79F17EDC405E780140083730C1E /decrypt /key:**** /c /all /l:C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\CCM\Logs\SMSTSLog\loadstate.log /progress:C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\CCM\Logs\SMSTSLog\loadstateprogress.log /i:C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\OLY0004E\amd64\miguser.xml /i:C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\OLY0004E\amd64\migapp.xml"
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:16 -07:00, 00:00:00, PHASE, Initializing
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:25 -07:00, 00:00:08, PHASE, Scanning
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:25 -07:00, 00:00:08, processingUser, IS020227\CANDACE
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:44 -07:00, 00:00:27, processingUser, AD\BILL
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:45 -07:00, 00:00:28, processingUser, AD\DAVE
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:45 -07:00, 00:00:28, processingUser, AD\ALICE
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:46 -07:00, 00:00:29, processingUser, AD\ERIN
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:46 -07:00, 00:00:29, processingUser, SYSTEM
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:47 -07:00, 00:00:30, PHASE, Estimating
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:47 -07:00, 00:00:30, estimatePercentageCompleted, 32
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:51 -07:00, 00:00:34, estimatePercentageCompleted, 97
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:53 -07:00, 00:00:37, detectedUser, IS020227\Administrator, includedInMigration, No
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:53 -07:00, 00:00:37, detectedUser, IS020227\CANDACE, includedInMigration, No
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:53 -07:00, 00:00:37, detectedUser, AD\BILL, includedInMigration, No
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:53 -07:00, 00:00:37, detectedUser, AD\DAVE, includedInMigration, No
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:53 -07:00, 00:00:37, detectedUser, AD\ALICE, includedInMigration, No
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:53 -07:00, 00:00:37, detectedUser, AD\ERIN, includedInMigration, No
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:53 -07:00, 00:00:37, detectedUser, IS020227\Guest, includedInMigration, No
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:00 -07:00, 00:00:43, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "WindowsSearchEngine", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:00 -07:00, 00:00:43, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft-Windows-themecpl", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:00 -07:00, 00:00:43, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Tablet PC Settings\Accessories\Microsoft-Windows-TabletPC-Journal", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:00 -07:00, 00:00:43, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Tablet PC Settings\Input Panel\Microsoft-Windows-TabletPC-InputPanel", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:00 -07:00, 00:00:43, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Tablet PC Settings\General Options\Microsoft-Windows-TabletPC-UIHub", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:00 -07:00, 00:00:43, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Tablet PC Settings\General Options\Microsoft-Windows-TabletPC-Platform-Input-Core", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:00 -07:00, 00:00:43, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Tablet PC Settings\Handwriting Recognition\Microsoft-Windows-TabletPC-InputPersonalization", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Network and Internet\Networking Connections\Microsoft-Windows-PeerToPeerCollab", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Network and Internet\Networking Connections\Microsoft-Windows-Native-80211", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Network and Internet\Networking Connections\Microsoft-Windows-MPR", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Network and Internet\Networking Connections\Microsoft-Windows-Dot3svc", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft-Windows-DisplayConfigSettings", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft-Windows-DiagCpl", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Date, Time, Language and Region\Regional Language Options\Microsoft-Windows-TableDrivenTextService-Migration", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Date, Time, Language and Region\Regional Language Options\Microsoft-Windows-TextServicesFramework-Migration", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Date, Time, Language and Region\Regional Language Options\Microsoft-Windows-MUI-Settings", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Date, Time, Language and Region\Regional Language Options\Microsoft-Windows-International-Core", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Date, Time, Language and Region\Regional Language Options\Microsoft-Windows-IME-Traditional-Chinese-Core", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Date, Time, Language and Region\Regional Language Options\Microsoft-Windows-IME-Simplified-Chinese-Core", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Date, Time, Language and Region\Regional Language Options\Microsoft-Windows-Desktop_Technologies-Text_Input_Services-IME-Japanese-Core", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft-Windows-DesktopWindowManager-Core", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Security\Microsoft-Windows-Rights-Management-Client-v1-API", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Security\Security Options\Microsoft-Windows-Security-Vault", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Security\Security Options\Microsoft-Windows-Credential-Manager", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Appearance and Display\Windows Games Settings\Microsoft-Windows-GameExplorer", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Appearance and Display\Taskbar and Start Menu\Microsoft-Windows-stobject", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Appearance and Display\Taskbar and Start Menu\Microsoft-Windows-explorer", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Appearance and Display\Personalized Settings\Microsoft-Windows-uxtheme", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Appearance and Display\Personalized Settings\Microsoft-Windows-themeui", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Appearance and Display\Personalized Settings\Microsoft-Windows-shmig", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Appearance and Display\Personalized Settings\Microsoft-Windows-shell32", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Appearance and Display\Personalized Settings\Microsoft-Windows-CommandPrompt", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Help Settings\Microsoft-Windows-Help-Client", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-Win32k-Settings", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-Web-Services-for-Management-Core", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-UPnPSSDP", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-UPnPDeviceHost", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-UPnPControlPoint", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-Drivers", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-SQMApi", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-SQM-Consolidator-Base", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-RPC-Remote", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-RPC-Local", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-RPC-HTTP", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-Rasppp", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-RasMprDdm", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-RasBase", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-Microsoft-Data-Access-Components-(MDAC)-ODBC-DriverManager-Dll", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-ICM-Profiles", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-feclient", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-dpapi-keys", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-Crypto-keys", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-COM-DTC-Setup", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-COM-ComPlus-Setup", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-COM-Base", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-CAPI2-certs", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft-Windows-Client-SQM-Consolidator", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft-Windows-Audio-VolumeControl", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Accessibility\Accessibility Settings\Microsoft-Windows-accessibilitycpl", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft-Windows-Application-Experience-Program-Data", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft-Windows-Application-Experience-Application-Telemetry-Agent", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft-Windows-Application-Experience-Program-Compatibility-Assistant", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Start Menu", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Favorites", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "My Pictures", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "My Documents", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "My Music", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "My Video", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Desktop", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Quick Launch", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft Office 2010\Microsoft Office Access 2010", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft Office 2010\Microsoft Office Excel 2010", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft Office 2010\Microsoft Office Outlook 2010", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft Office 2010\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft Office 2010\Office 2010 Common Settings", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft Office 2010\Microsoft Office Word 2010 (32-bit)", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:06 -07:00, 00:00:49, totalSizeInMBToTransfer, 32407.88
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:06 -07:00, 00:00:49, PHASE, Applying
08 Apr 2011, 15:59:37 -07:00, 00:10:20, processingUser, AD\ALICE
08 Apr 2011, 15:59:41 -07:00, 00:10:24, totalPercentageCompleted, 31
08 Apr 2011, 15:59:45 -07:00, 00:10:28, totalPercentageCompleted, 32
08 Apr 2011, 16:00:19 -07:00, 00:11:02, totalPercentageCompleted, 33
08 Apr 2011, 16:07:43 -07:00, 00:18:26, totalPercentageCompleted, 62
08 Apr 2011, 16:08:04 -07:00, 00:18:47, totalPercentageCompleted, 63
08 Apr 2011, 16:16:43 -07:00, 00:27:26, processingUser, SYSTEM
08 Apr 2011, 16:16:43 -07:00, 00:27:26, totalPercentageCompleted, 94
08 Apr 2011, 16:18:32 -07:00, 00:29:15, totalPercentageCompleted, 100
08 Apr 2011, 16:18:32 -07:00, 00:29:15, errorCode, 0, numberOfIgnoredErrors, 0, message, "Successful run"
2 ответа
Я выяснил, почему как инструмент миграции пользовательской среды, так и утилита Easy Transfer, поставляемая с Windows 7, не переносили профили пользователей.
В нашей сети мы сопоставляем специальные папки "Мои документы", "Моя музыка" и т. Д. С сетевым местоположением. Любой пользователь с таким отображением будет иметь эту проблему. Наше решение - временно отключить переназначение для каждого пользователя, когда он получает новый компьютер. Поскольку невозможно полностью автоматизировать это (пользователь должен знать, что "Мои документы" не указывают на их файлы), мы просто собираемся использовать утилиту Easy Transfer.
Обновлено: 17 мая 2011 г.
Я нашел статью в блоге Microsoft, подтверждающую, что использование USMT при перенаправлении папок вызывает проблемы. Временное отключение перенаправления папок перед запуском инструмента поможет нам преодолеть это препятствие... и перейти к следующему.
Утилита Windows Easy Transfer, которая поставляется с Windows, похоже, работает.
Я не хочу быть расплывчатым, но похоже, что в вашем пакете SCCM есть что-то, что указывает loadstate на размещение файлов в дубликатном каталоге пользователя по умолчанию. Если у вас есть пользовательский файл miguser.xml или пользовательская последовательность задач USMT в SCCM, найдите там дублированный каталог. К сожалению, у меня недостаточно информации, чтобы точно ответить на ваш вопрос (потребуются все ваши XML-файлы, информация о пакете).
Надеюсь это поможет.