Запустить pgpool и войти только в одну строку
Я использую pgpool и при запуске:
sudo pgpool -f pgpool.conf -F pcp.conf -n
Это просто войти в одну строку и продолжать ждать....:
2014-10-09 13:27:42 LOG: pid 28626: wd_chk_setuid: ifup[/sbin/ifconfig] doesn't have setuid bit
Я установил pgpool-II-3.3.4 на Ubuntu-14.04, используя Vagrant VM.
Конфигурация Watchdog и hearbeat в моем pgpool.conf:
# - Enabling -
use_watchdog = on
# Activates watchdog
# (change requires restart)
# -Connection to up stream servers -
trusted_servers = ''
# trusted server list which are used
# to confirm network connection
# (hostA,hostB,hostC,...)
# (change requires restart)
ping_path = '/bin'
# ping command path
# (change requires restart)
# - Watchdog communication Settings -
wd_hostname = ''
# Host name or IP address of this watchdog
# (change requires restart)
wd_port = 9000
# port number for watchdog service
# (change requires restart)
wd_authkey = ''
# Authentication key for watchdog communication
# (change requires restart)
# - Virtual IP control Setting -
delegate_IP = ''
# delegate IP address
# If this is empty, virtual IP never bring up.
# (change requires restart)
ifconfig_path = '/sbin'
# ifconfig command path
# (change requires restart)
if_up_cmd = 'ifconfig eth1:0 inet netmask'
if_down_cmd = 'ifconfig eth1:0 down'
# shutdown delegate IP command
# (change requires restart)
arping_path = '/usr/sbin' # arping command path
# (change requires restart)
arping_cmd = 'arping -U $_IP_$ -w 1'
# arping command
# (change requires restart)
# - Behaivor on escalation Setting -
clear_memqcache_on_escalation = on
# Clear all the query cache on shared memory
# when standby pgpool escalate to active pgpool
# (= virtual IP holder).
# This should be off if client connects to pgpool
# not using virtual IP.
# (change requires restart)
wd_escalation_command = ''
# Executes this command at escalation on new active pgpool.
# (change requires restart)
# - Lifecheck Setting -
# - Lifecheck Setting -
# -- common --
wd_lifecheck_method = 'heartbeat'
# Method of watchdog lifecheck ('heartbeat' or 'query')
# (change requires restart)
wd_interval = 3
# lifecheck interval (sec) > 0
# (change requires restart)
# -- heartbeat mode --
wd_heartbeat_port = 9694
# Port number for receiving heartbeat signal
# (change requires restart)
wd_heartbeat_keepalive = 2
# Interval time of sending heartbeat signal (sec)
# (change requires restart)
wd_heartbeat_deadtime = 30
# Deadtime interval for heartbeat signal (sec)
# (change requires restart)
heartbeat_destination0 = ''
# Host name or IP address of destination 0
# for sending heartbeat signal.
# (change requires restart)
heartbeat_destination_port0 = 9694
# Port number of destination 0 for sending
# heartbeat signal. Usually this is the
# same as wd_heartbeat_port.
# (change requires restart)
heartbeat_device0 = 'eth1'
# -- query mode --
wd_life_point = 3
# lifecheck retry times
# (change requires restart)
wd_lifecheck_query = 'SELECT 1'
# lifecheck query to pgpool from watchdog
# (change requires restart)
wd_lifecheck_dbname = 'template1'
# Database name connected for lifecheck
# (change requires restart)
wd_lifecheck_user = 'nobody'
# watchdog user monitoring pgpools in lifecheck
# (change requires restart)
wd_lifecheck_password = ''
# Password for watchdog user in lifecheck
# (change requires restart)
# - Other pgpool Connection Settings -
other_pgpool_hostname0 = ''
# Host name or IP address to connect to for other pgpool 0
# (change requires restart)
other_pgpool_port0 = 9999
# Port number for othet pgpool 0
# (change requires restart)
other_wd_port0 = 9000
# Port number for othet watchdog 0
# (change requires restart)
Если вам нужно больше информации, дайте мне знать.
1 ответ
У меня точно такая же проблема. я разрешаю некоторые, но у меня уже есть другие
я продолжаю так:
mkdir /home/apache
cp /sbin/ifconfig /home/apache
cp /usr/sbin/arping /home/apache
Затем вы должны добавить бит setuid:
chmod ugo+s /home/ifconfig
chmod ugo+s /home/arping
но у меня есть это сообщение:
[root@Fil-pgp apache]# /pgpool/bin/pgpool
2014-10-28 15:31:33 LOG: pid 4053: wd_chk_setuid all commands have setuid bit
2014-10-28 15:31:33 LOG: pid 4053: watchdog might call network commands which using setuid bit.
любое предложение?