Graylog2 не может отправить уведомление по электронной почте
У меня есть graylog2 v0.20.6 и при попытке отправить тестовое оповещение по почте я вижу эту ошибку:
Error! ×Unable to send dummy alert, check server log for details: API call failed GET http://@ returned 500 Internal Server Error body: Sending the email to the following server failed :
Ниже я поделился своим конфигурационным файлом graylog2-server:
# If you are running more than one instances of graylog2-server you have to select one of these
# instances as master. The master will perform some periodical tasks that non-masters won't perform.
is_master = true
# The auto-generated node ID will be stored in this file and read after restarts. It is a good idea
# to use an absolute file path here if you are starting graylog2-server from init scripts or similar.
node_id_file = /etc/graylog2-server-node-id
# You MUST set a secret to secure/pepper the stored user passwords here. Use at least 64 characters.
# Generate one by using for example: pwgen -s 96
password_secret = 8OiOyemf3RBqK2SdmppNouFilSIgKjGShI6fgC72ixeCgRYtxMsfffsdfasfsdfefeffsdfsafsdfafeasZen2ycrRRzGEbuasoiN2q3Z6GrDNiQEGNfmAemNd4wc1
# the default root user is named 'admin'
# root_username = admin
# You MUST specify a hash password for the root user (which you only need to initially set up the
# system and in case you lose connectivity to your authentication backend)
# This password cannot be changed using the API or via the web interface. If you need to change it,
# modify it in this file.
# Create one by using for example: echo -n yourpassword | shasum -a 256
# and put the resulting hash value into the following line
root_password_sha2 = 5430d65ba153185053363eb0fdsfsdfdasdwrwerewr32c36cd38df30a2feaa6e2e876f5efadef32ce29
# Set plugin directory here (relative or absolute)
plugin_dir = plugin
# REST API listen URI. Must be reachable by other graylog2-server nodes if you run a cluster.
rest_listen_uri =
# REST API transport address. Defaults to the value of rest_listen_uri. Exception: If rest_listen_uri
# is set to a wildcard IP address ( the first non-loopback IPv4 system address is used.
# This will be promoted in the cluster discovery APIs and other nodes may try to connect on this
# address. (see rest_listen_uri)
rest_transport_uri =
# Enable CORS headers for REST api. This is necessary for JS-clients accessing the server directly.
# If these are disabled, modern browsers will not be able to retrieve resources from the server.
# This is disabled by default. Uncomment the next line to enable it.
#rest_enable_cors = true
# Enable GZIP support for REST api. This compresses API responses and therefore helps to reduce
# overall round trip times. This is disabled by default. Uncomment the next line to enable it.
#rest_enable_gzip = true
# Embedded elasticsearch configuration file
# pay attention to the working directory of the server, maybe use an absolute path here
#elasticsearch_config_file = /etc/graylog2-elasticsearch.yml
elasticsearch_max_docs_per_index = 20000000
# How many indices do you want to keep?
# elasticsearch_max_number_of_indices*elasticsearch_max_docs_per_index=total number of messages in your setup
elasticsearch_max_number_of_indices = 20
# Decide what happens with the oldest indices when the maximum number of indices is reached.
# The following strategies are availble:
# - delete # Deletes the index completely (Default)
# - close # Closes the index and hides it from the system. Can be re-opened later.
retention_strategy = close
# How many ElasticSearch shards and replicas should be used per index? Note that this only applies to newly created indices.
elasticsearch_shards = 1
elasticsearch_replicas = 0
elasticsearch_index_prefix = graylog2
# Do you want to allow searches with leading wildcards? This can be extremely resource hungry and should only
# be enabled with care. See also:
allow_leading_wildcard_searches = false
# Do you want to allow searches to be highlighted? Depending on the size of your messages this can be memory hungry and
# should only be enabled after making sure your elasticsearch cluster has enough memory.
allow_highlighting = false
# settings to be passed to elasticsearch's client (overriding those in the provided elasticsearch_config_file)
# all these
# this must be the same as for your elasticsearch cluster
#elasticsearch_cluster_name = graylog2
# you could also leave this out, but makes it easier to identify the graylog2 client instance
#elasticsearch_node_name = graylog2-server
# we don't want the graylog2 server to store any data, or be master node
#elasticsearch_node_master = false
#elasticsearch_node_data = false
# use a different port if you run multiple elasticsearch nodes on one machine
#elasticsearch_transport_tcp_port = 9350
# we don't need to run the embedded HTTP server here
#elasticsearch_http_enabled = false
elasticsearch_discovery_zen_ping_multicast_enabled = false
elasticsearch_discovery_zen_ping_unicast_hosts =
# the following settings allow to change the bind addresses for the elasticsearch client in graylog2
# these settings are empty by default, letting elasticsearch choose automatically,
# override them here or in the 'elasticsearch_config_file' if you need to bind to a special address
# refer to for special values here
# elasticsearch_network_host =
# elasticsearch_network_bind_host =
# elasticsearch_network_publish_host =
# Analyzer (tokenizer) to use for message and full_message field. The "standard" filter usually is a good idea.
# All supported analyzers are: standard, simple, whitespace, stop, keyword, pattern, language, snowball, custom
# ElasticSearch documentation:
# Note that this setting only takes effect on newly created indices.
elasticsearch_analyzer = standard
# Batch size for the ElasticSearch output. This is the maximum (!) number of messages the ElasticSearch output
# module will get at once and write to ElasticSearch in a batch call. If the configured batch size has not been
# reached within output_flush_interval seconds, everything that is available will be flushed at once. Remember
# that every outputbuffer processor manages its own batch and performs its own batch write calls.
# ("outputbuffer_processors" variable)
output_batch_size = 25
# Flush interval (in seconds) for the ElasticSearch output. This is the maximum amount of time between two
# batches of messages written to ElasticSearch. It is only effective at all if your minimum number of messages
# for this time period is less than output_batch_size * outputbuffer_processors.
output_flush_interval = 1
# The number of parallel running processors.
# Raise this number if your buffers are filling up.
processbuffer_processors = 5
outputbuffer_processors = 3
# Wait strategy describing how buffer processors wait on a cursor sequence. (default: sleeping)
# Possible types:
# - yielding
# Compromise between performance and CPU usage.
# - sleeping
# Compromise between performance and CPU usage. Latency spikes can occur after quiet periods.
# - blocking
# High throughput, low latency, higher CPU usage.
# - busy_spinning
# Avoids syscalls which could introduce latency jitter. Best when threads can be bound to specific CPU cores.
processor_wait_strategy = blocking
# Size of internal ring buffers. Raise this if raising outputbuffer_processors does not help anymore.
# For optimum performance your LogMessage objects in the ring buffer should fit in your CPU L3 cache.
# Start server with --statistics flag to see buffer utilization.
# Must be a power of 2. (512, 1024, 2048, ...)
ring_size = 1024
# EXPERIMENTAL: Dead Letters
# Every failed indexing attempt is logged by default and made visible in the web-interface. You can enable
# the experimental dead letters feature to write every message that was not successfully indexed into the
# MongoDB "dead_letters" collection to make sure that you never lose a message. The actual writing of dead
# letter should work fine already but it is not heavily tested yet and will get more features in future
# releases.
dead_letters_enabled = false
# How many seconds to wait between marking node as DEAD for possible load balancers and starting the actual
# shutdown process. Set to 0 if you have no status checking load balancers in front.
lb_recognition_period_seconds = 3
# MongoDB Configuration
mongodb_useauth = false
#mongodb_user = grayloguser
#mongodb_password = 123
mongodb_host =
#mongodb_replica_set = localhost:27017,localhost:27018,localhost:27019
mongodb_database = graylog2
mongodb_port = 27017
# Raise this according to the maximum connections your MongoDB server can handle if you encounter MongoDB connection problems.
mongodb_max_connections = 100
# Number of threads allowed to be blocked by MongoDB connections multiplier. Default: 5
# If mongodb_max_connections is 100, and mongodb_threads_allowed_to_block_multiplier is 5, then 500 threads can block. More than that and an exception will be thrown.
mongodb_threads_allowed_to_block_multiplier = 5
# Drools Rule File (Use to rewrite incoming log messages)
# See: rewritingprocessing
# rules_file = /etc/graylog2.drl
# Email transport
transport_email_enabled = true
transport_email_protocol = smtp
transport_email_hostname =
transport_email_port = 587
transport_email_use_auth = false
transport_email_use_tls = false
transport_email_auth_username =
transport_email_auth_password = W6eteqAqeye3
transport_email_subject_prefix = [graylog2]
transport_email_from_email =
transport_email_from_name = Graylog2
transport_email_web_interface_url =
# Specify and uncomment this if you want to include links to the stream in your stream alert mails.
# This should define the fully qualified base url to your web interface exactly the same way as it is accessed by your users.
#transport_email_web_interface_url =
# HTTP proxy for outgoing HTTP calls
#http_proxy_uri =
Кто-нибудь знает, что не так и почему graylog2 не может отправлять уведомления по электронной почте.
С уважением Мик
1 ответ
Вам нужно привязать адрес вашего сервера к другому IP-адресу, чем
попробуйте (замените на ваш ip)
rest_listen_uri =
rest_transport_uri =
Тогда это должно работать.